Vectrix Electric Scooters


Vectrix NiMh batteries for sale at

Nick Nichols 5 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 5 years ago 1

Are the NiMh batteries that are for sale at vectrix parts .com new old stock or used? Have they been stored in optimal conditions.?


Where did everyone go?

Ryan Klein 6 years ago 0

Can I get an engineer to get me the 50 mph firmware for vx-2? I purchased peak can adapter and can access the diagnostics.  thank you!!


Adjusting the lighting height of the headlight

JCH13430 6 years ago updated 6 years ago 2

How to adjust the lighting height of the headlight without disassembling the entire headlight?



Jakub 6 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 6 years ago 2

Hi, I have left You a private message about PCAN interface I wanted to purchase. I had no response so far. Also I was asking about conversion to Leaf batteries and what it entails. As everybody would agree it is about affordability when it comes to potential buyers. So if anybody has a VX1 in UK and wants to convert to Leaf modules I would be more than happy to split a whole battery with them - whole one costs about 3000 GBP delivered to door and it can easily supply two VX1's and there will be some spare modules left :) 


Battery charger for 2012 VX-2

jeff rothi 6 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 6 years ago 5

I don't have a battery charger for my 2012 VX-2.  Can anyone help with where I can buy one?


VX-1 not turning on at all

Dylan 6 years ago updated by Anton Rouse 12 months ago 38

I have the VX-1 the problem I am having is that it’s not turning on or showing any kind of sign that it has power but I did notice  every time I plugged it in every time I plugged it in it made a clicking noise/ humming I think then stopped few seconds later and the other thing is ESD Sliver Charger the big board in the front of scooter I think it’s called. It was getting hot and the fans didn’t turn on. I think this board has something to do with but I have no idea. It would be much appreciated if someone can help me with this problem.


Vectrix VX Li stoped charging

ironi 6 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 6 years ago 1


I recently bought a Vectrix VX-1 Li (probably NOT Li +). Unfortunately, the scooter does not charge. The battery was completely empty (15V total) and so I load seperatly the four sections (4x10 = 40 cells) to about 34V. Overall, I now have a voltage of 130V. However, one single cell still has 0V. The rest of the cells seem to hold the load.
When I plug in the normal charging cable, nothing moves at all. When I turn the ignition key, the light switches on, the tachometer needle fully rotates and falls back (starting process ok). After that, the following errors:
"no ts"
"Lo 000"
"Lo Cell"
"hi 000"
"no fef3"
The fans above the battery start to turn and do not stop, even when the scooter is switched off. Some LEDs flash on the BMS on the cells. The big battery sign appears in the display, but 0% battery. Also, the remaining range is always indicated with "0 Miles". I've disconnected the charger from the battery to the battery several times and the charger to the 230V AC. No change at all.

My Questions:
1. Is the charger (EVPS Runk gold V30) defective? 230V AC is at the charger, also the 130V DC reach the charger.
2. Or could the dead cell be a problem?
3. Can I just short dead cell? So let's put it in and put a piece of metal over the cell?
4. other good hints?

Thank you for any help


parts availability?

Marty T. 6 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 6 years ago 3

are parts still available for the vx-2 scooter?

Under review

my battery is not charging on a Vx1

jeffreymorrill 6 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 5 years ago 5
Under review


Helmut 6 years ago updated by Kzysztof Luby (Service Engineer) 6 years ago 5

HHallo, gestern Abend hab ich meinen Vectrix vx 1 Roller zweimal nur kurz hintereinander geladen dazwischen lagen nur 4 km . Wollte mit meiner Frau in den etwas weiter entfernten Biergarten fahren. Nach nur 3km leuchtete die Temperatur Leuchte und es erschien capp hot als Fehlermeldung. Dann musste ich ihn leider heim schleppen. Jetzt funktioniert zwar alles wie vorher auch, er lässt sich auch laden. Aber macht keinen mux wenn man los fahren will.

Sonst keinerlei Fehlermeldung mehr. 

Hoffe Ihr könnt mir helfen. 

Gruß Helmut