Your comments

no I am pretty sure that most of the cells are dead. I managed to charge e few of them and they keep their load, a little voltage drop but not too bad. I keep them for testing purposes, how else can I get 133 volt to test the can bus... :-) But a least 25 or so become hot when charging and the voltage drops within a few minutes to almost those are dead for sure...

Wow. Ok. Thanks for all this useful info. Sounds like I have to think over if I can do this myself or should I hire someone to do that for me...or stick to the 40s lifepo system that it has now.. choices choices :-) 

will the much more tweaking be concerning the battery systems or the motor controller? for me, a new (or used) li-ion systems is easier to build then tweaking the current charger... So can I see the motor controller and the battery+charger as two separate systems?

Thank you Azzuro, that means I can start thinking about a battery system&charger from other vendors. I do have the original 2012 battery packs (lifepo?) they were still build in. But getting replacement cells the right size is hard...(and expensive) Will it mean that I have to change the firmware before I can drive? in the couple of weeks coming I want to "feed" the bike 130 volt and see what happens, if I can spin the rear wheel I will know that bike is ok for the rest...