Under review

Problem with the MC

G Pohl 7 years ago updated 6 years ago 3


Under review

Please check side-stand sensor and kill-swich. It may help.

I have 2 VX1 with LiLion converted battery pack. On of them has a problem, i think with the build in MC.

On riding the controller lost his "GO" signal. I changed ICM and i controlled every switch who can produce the same behavior.

So i think it is the mc which make the problem. Do you any other ideas to solve it.

Regards Georg

Under review

Please check side-stand sensor and kill-swich. It may help.

That is not the solution. I think the MC 2042.4 make the problem. Is there any newer version 

available for a LiIon 36Cell Battery, Runke BMS and the BMS from you. Thanks Georg