VX-2 Parts Catalogue

If you need any VX-2 spare parts check the catalogue first - VX-2 Spare Parts Catalogue

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I would like to order this piece EM-20300-SV, Is it still available?
Thank you for your reply

Yes - in our online store shop.vectrixparts.com you fill find it under code SV20300


Hi, I need a White Under board (SV51070). I cannot find it in White colour. Is it available? Thanks

Yes - we've added White in online shop.

Lead time around 1 week.

Hello - do you still have any of the speedometers (EM-20305-SV) or speedometer assemblies (EM-20300-SV) left? I would settle for a used one. 

Hello.  My battery charger stopped working for some reason for my VX-2.  I have no idea how to fix it or what went wrong.  i've probably only used it to charge 10 times or less.  

Any idea how to fix?  If not, where can I purchase another?IMG_1286.jpgIMG_1285.jpgIMG_1284.jpgIMG_1283.jpg

Do you know if you have sealed lead acid batteries? When was the last time you charged it before this latest attempt? if the SLA batteries have been sitting for awhile, they will certainly self-discharge and/or lose their water overtime. 

I would use a DMM and check the voltage at the charger connector under the seat. If it's reading below ~33V then the charger won't charge your pack. If you still can't get a reading off of that, I would take off the two access panels and check the voltage of each of the four batteries individually. If any of them are reading below ~8V then you can fairly safely confirm that they are over discharged and will, in fact, require a manual charge to get above at least 9V before you can hook them back up in series and charge them with the vectrix charger. 

I recently did a similar exercise with my 2010 VX-2 where I took each battery out, topped the six cells off with de-ionized water, and charged each battery manually with a 12V RC hobby charger before hooking them back up. FWIW, I made sure that all four of my batteries were at 12.3V +/- 20mV before I connected them back together in series to avoid any voltage imbalance issues. This might be helpful when removing the batteries: VX-2 Service Manual. And here's a good video of recovering SLA batteries.

Good luck!

the problem isn't the battey in the bike, it's the portable charger that plugs into wall to charge bike.

Do you know where I can buy another or any ideas on how to fix?

The problem might not be with your charger. If your batteries are below a certain voltage (33V) and the charger detects that, it won't even attempt to charge them. See the attached document for more details.ChargerFunctionCheck_06262018.pdf


I am looking for a replacement charger for my vectrix vx-2.  Does anyone have any for sale?  Please let me know. 

Much thanks, 


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