Your comments
Here u are adaptor, regular one(without opto-decoupled) will be enough:
I talked about connecting one single board to cells. When you just put bms on cells you can crack the bms. The safe way is connecting cells one by one. You can put some plastic foil between cells and BMS and by movig this foil connect(screw the bolt) cell one by one, start from main GND.
The number of BMS you can set as you said.
If you just screw BMSes to cells it is possible that you crack them. This type of BMS need special metodhood of mounting. You can't connect all cells on one time. You have to connect them one by one.
To detect with board is broken you have to connect to Vectrix diagnostic by CAN-USB adaptor.
The max power of scooter is depend on max power of battery and it is setting on MC. If you change battery yourself it is good to change firmware for proper capacity.
You should see CAN-Adaptor like this:

If not, you should install driver from here:
Hi Tido!
You need 10k thermistors.
Regards, Mateusz.
With type of BMS you have? Can you send me a photo? Do you have CAN-BUS adaptor? Can you send me printscreen from Vectrix Diagnostic?
I'm talking about BMS electronic rework. If you want to change one original board(9cell) to 10cell, you have to delete resistor R116 and change configuration of firmware.
Hi Gunther!
The change original BMS to 38S is not just a firmware, you have to make some electronic rework also. Thats why, we don`t added firmware files to the forum.
Hi Tido!
I think the problem is in CAN connection. Some of components is blocking it.
Try to disconnect ICM and check again. If it not help check every CANbus cables, maybe you find any short.
Best regards,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hi Luc!
Can u send me a printscreen of "VX1Li FW Download" page in Vectrix Diagnostic?