Your comments

maybe on vectrix worldwide whatsapp 

Hello, Are you sure batteries are dead?

I got the same as you. NimH 500KM, rested 1é years in a car park. Charger dead but, I slowly reload the pack (less than 1A) from Zero to 133V. Could not test in real (no insurrance) but it moved forward and backward for a few meters.

Paris, France....Not next door....Sorry, cannot help.

It seems to be down for good. parts maybe available from Matteo.

Hello, Nice job. 21700?

About firmware, you can find the latest ones, checked by the bests brains about VX1:


Ask someone else if ok for 36.   I'm a simple archivist, not part of best brains!

hello, Fran has a complete offer. BMs, charger ect that seem to be better than the originals. It seems Dugas firmwares causes a lot of charger breakdown. Fran's not. Never heard about problems.

Hello,  from France.  Yes, BMS is available. From Fran . I try to get his website.