Your comments

this charger is ok for nimh or for lithium but need proper firmware, probably you put the esd charger firmware into the gold charger, try to upload the firmwere when the plug is in the AC

2 month, we are making completely new diag application

please send a picture of charger hw revision, the serial number and revision are stamped on the charger  heatsink side

yes you can just cell 9 or 10 need to be shorted with the upper cell of the module.

we can supply it back with any revisionu want

yes you corrupted the mc bootloader, the low level programmikng can be made only here at our factory but you have to send us the MC, the cost of the reprogramming is here

seems to be a nimh scooter i think u may need to replace one of the temperature sensor front probably here link for spare

it is latest revison and it got so many bug resolution and new features.